Daily Archives: June 3, 2024

Remembering the Cornerstone Who was “Mama June”

June 3: As reported tenderly by LaMonte McLemore‘s sweet sister Joan on her Facebook page, today would have been June McLemore’s 110th birthday. Affectionately known as “Mama June” to all who knew her, the adjectives: wise, witty, statuesque, inclusive, and incandescent can all be applied to this very special, ahead of her time lady. Mama June was the sole remaining parent of the members of The Original 5th Dimension for many years until her passing, remarkably at age 106. It’s no wonder Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr. and Florence LaRue heralded her with special appearances at her 100th and subsequent birthday celebrations held in her native St. Louis. LaMonte’s lovely wife Mieko shares, “Not a day goes by that I don’t apply the wisdom of Mama June or her mother, LaMonte’s Grandma Gertrude.” LaMonte writes fondly about his mother in his hit memoir “From Hobo Flats to The 5th Dimension,” stating, “That’s my Mama and I get choked up speaking about her…so I’m glad to know others speak of her with such affection.” Mama June…a true cornerstone that defines the ethos of the original members of The 5th Dimension. —Robert-Allan Arno

Charcoal collage titled “The World of LaMonte McLemore” by Nigerian artist Ephraim David Udoka, copyright 2024, all rights reserved.