Daily Archives: July 26, 2021

Happy 52nd Wedding Anniversary, Our Very Special “MarBill”

Congratulations to the 1st Couple of Pop n’ Soul—my musical heroes, dear friends and mentors–Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr. on their 52nd Wedding Anniversary, today, July 26. Enjoying a marvelous “resurgence” due to their touching current appearance (along with The 5th Dimension’s circa ’69 at the Harlem Cultural Festival) in the hit docu-movie “Summer of Soul,” a thought-provoking & critically acclaimed new CD (“Blackbird: Lennon/McCartney Icons”), and an upcoming star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the 1st African American couple to have one, and much more…it’s a “Summer of MarBill!” It seems like just yesterday I was invited to their grand 50th wedding anniversary celebration. Unable to attend due to a work commitment “on the other coast”…the next best thing was to commission for them this stunning sketch by one of my all-time fave artists in Africa, Nigeria’s own Ephraim David Udoka. We called this piece “50 Years of Love” and Marilyn & Billy were so gracious with their thanks to me and Ephraim, upon receiving the framed artwork. One of their favorite aspects was the medallion we conjured up, bottom center, of “MarBill” back in the day via a rare shot from my photo collection…juxtaposed with the main sketch portraying them today. Happy 52nd, our dearest MarBill! God bless you always…as you bless your many friends, fans, and all who know you, the world over.

With Love. –Robert-Allan Arno

(Forever 5th Dimension by Robert-Allan Arno, a production of The Soul of The Voice, Ltd. copyright 2008-2021, intellectual property, all rights reserved)