Honoring the Legacy of JET Magazine’s “Beauty of the Week”

#BlackHistoryMonth Besides his legacy with The 5th Dimension, for over 5 decades, LaMonte McLemore was the premier freelance photographer for JET magazine’s iconic Beauty of the Week feature. In his acclaimed memoir, “From Hobo Flats to The 5th Dimension,” LaMonte talks a lot about his photographic vision for the history changing feature, including, “I was a Black photographer shooting Black models. I traveled the world with The 5th Dimension so that brought a global perspective…a sensual homage to women of color. And don’t get me wrong, that included their intelligence, intrinsic in their beauty.”

LaMonte’s vision changed the popular culture. Look for more projects on the Beauty of the Week in ’22! Today, we’re so pleased to present former “BotW” lovelies photographed by LaMonte–vivacious, sportive and striking: (top l, r) Tshlene & Tania; (bttm l, r) Sarena & Shana.

~~Robert-Allan Arno, Forever 5th Dimension; Biographer–LaMonte McLemore/The Original 5th Dimension

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