June is African American Music Appreciation Month

With this classic retro photo of The Original 5th Dimension, we’re wishing you a blessed & joyful new month of June, friends, fans & family. This month is officially known as African American Music Appreciation Month. Let’s celebrate with harmony & understanding…on trains of music!!

Throughout the month, we’ll be bringing you special archival highlights from FOREVER 5th DIMENSION as we lead to our official 15th anniversary in July…plus it’s Billy’s birthday, later this month! On behalf of the multi-Grammy winning stars of The Original 5th Dimension–Florence LaRue (and the current 5th Dimension, Patrice, Floyd, Leonard & Sidney), Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr. and LaMonte McLemore, we appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm. ~~Robert-Allan Arno

(Forever 5th Dimension, a production of The Soul of The Voice, Ltd., intellectual property, all rights reserved, copyright 2008-2022)

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