Tag Archives: Elliot Willensky

For Fans who Loved “The Singer”: New Musical “Elliot and Me” Highlights Iconic Song from The 5th Dimension Songbook!

For our East Coast Fans, premieres onstage, live Dec 2 — Dec 12 at Hudson Theater Works!

Elliot and Me is a musical comedy based on the lives of songwriter Elliot Willensky and his younger brother Steven. The brothers have written a 2-man show they are preparing to pitch to legendary Broadway producer Max Stone. It’s a heartfelt story of brotherly love based on a powerful bond that has grown through the years. Elliot is a charming, free-spirited ladies’ man overflowing with talent and joie-de-vivre… with a knack to drive Steven crazy. Elliot and Steven both reflect on the volatile ups and downs of their shared experiences: from their raucous “wonder years” growing up in Bayonne, NJ; to the painful conflict when Elliot defies the expectations of his traditional middle-class Jewish family and drops out of medical school to write pop songs; to Elliot’s rise to stardom writing hits for Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, The 5th Dimension and Steven’s starry-eyed admiration for his Hollywood lifestyle; and eventually to their role reversals when Elliot’s career hits a few bumps in the road and he needs to rely on Steven for help. The play culminates with a supersonic rendition of The 5th Dimension fan-favorite, “The Singer” co-written by group founding member, LaMonte McLemore and Elliot Willensky. Each of the surviving members of The Original 5th Dimension (Mac, Florence LaRue, and Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr.) gave their enthusiastic approval of the song to be utilized in the musical as its apex…certainly another exciting “new dimension” to the group’s legacy!  

TICKETS (TIMES & DIRECTIONS) AVAILABLE, NOW, at this easy link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/elliot-me-a-musical-tickets-209838832597

“A contemporary musical of passion, dreams and brotherly pathos…featuring re-imagined versions of classics by Whitney, Michael plus 5th Dimension powerhouse, “The Singer” culminating the festivities! Starring top flight Broadway actors & singers, Eric Briarley & Drew Seigla deliver the goods with abounding energies.” ~~Robert-Allan Arno, Biographer–The Original 5th Dimension

Forever 5th Dimension, a production of The Soul of The Voice, Ltd., copyright 2008-2021, all rights reserved

Found Gem by The Original 5th Dimension: “A Pocketful of Seeds”

rare-box-shot-e1576466364453.jpgMany of you know the fan favorite tune from The 5th Dimension‘s “Love’s Lines, Angles & Rhymes” album, “The Singer” co-written by LaMonte McLemore and Elliot Willensky. “Mac” proudly writes in his memoir, “From Hobo Flats to The 5th Dimension,” about this “poetry to song” achievement executed so profoundly with Billy Davis, Jr. in the lead with complex group back-ups. LaMonte noted that Frank Sinatra even considered recording the homage to one “who finds the perfect meaning, in all the dreams that dance across his mind.”
The late Elliot Willensky is also responsible for the Michael Jackson hit, “Got To Be There,” and more. His brother, Steven Willensky was so kind to recently draw our attention to this excavated film clip of The Original 5th Dimension circa 1970 singing one of Elliot’s tunes about the environment and love for fellow man titled, “A Pocketful of Seeds.” It’s from the Bell Telephone produced special “They Said It Couldn’t Be Done.” The anthemic powerhouse features that un-matchable, quintessential 5th Dimension blend–arranged by the renowned Rene DeKnight–with mini solos from Marilyn, Florence, Ronald and Billy tying it up with his classic improv.
FULL IMAGE MARBILLUpon seeing this rare gem, Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr. commented to FOREVER 5th DIMENSION:
It was an early piece.  We know that from the style of harmony and “bop bop bahs” that we sang from time to time in those earlier songs.  What a special way to remember Rene DeKnight, who taught us so much: music, harmonies, what quality performances required, and professionalism if we were going to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities coming our way.  Thank you, Robert once again, for digging up special memories from our past.
And so, as a holiday season gift of sorts, we invite you to savor the experience that is “A Pocketful of Seeds” at this link: 
Bonus! From the same TV special, The 5th Dimension with “If I Had a Hammer”– Golden Gate bridge in the background!:
–Robert-Allan Arno
Our cherished fans add to the festivities with these kind remarks:

Susan Aglio Wow… what gems! Thank you for sharing, Robert!

Robyn Pippins  Loved the video, Robert!

Blake Morant  Fantastic, Brother Robert-Allan Arno. I remain hopeful that you’ll continue to unearth these rare 5th Dimension gems.

Ty Stephens That’s a Christmas gift!! Thank you, Robert!!!

Douglas C. Charles Now if we could just get a hold of that “lost” recording of “Crazy Spaces!”

Jane Marsh Thanks for sharing Robert! Enjoyed it very much. Loved the one at the Golden Gate Bridge too. 🙂

Andy Gard Wow! It’s extraordinary to be able to hear an undiscovered 5th Dimension song for the first time all these years later, just days away from 2020. Thanks for making this possible, Robert!

Martha E. Vink I love these! So upbeat, with a message we continue to need today. Wouldn’t it have been great to have those on an album! Thanks for sharing Robert-Allan!
